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A series of four presentations to challenge and inform you about how we get around our cities. 🚴 🚦 🚴
A different topic will be covered each Tuesday evening during Biketober. This week’s seminar is presented by Dr Glen Koorey (see details below).
Gather to catch-up from 5pm with nibbles and a drink (cash bar) with the seminar starting at 5:30.
Organised by Spokes Canterbury and Biketober.
Adults interested in cycling as a transport choice
Free (except for drinks)
You, your interest and some cash for drinks
What can and can't you do when riding a bike? How does this differ from motor vehicles, pedestrians, scooters and the like?
In this informative session, transport researcher Glen Koorey will introduce you to some of the key transport rules for cycling (and other road user behaviour around cyclists), let you know about some of the potential changes to those rules, and give you a chance to ask some of those questions you've always wondered about cycling and the law.
Adults interested in cycling as a transport choice
Free (except for drinks)
You, your interest and some cash for drinks