We apologise but this event has been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. 😞
A cycle journey to explore environmental restoration activities in the waterways along the Little River Rail Trail. There will be speakers about the cultural significance of the lakes, the birds found there and conservation efforts by DOC.
Please note that there are two options for this trip:
- A 50km round trip from Wairewa Marae (in Little River) to discover what is happening at Lake Wairewa, Birdlings Flat and Kaituna Lagoon. This option involves an overnight stay at Wairewa Marae on Friday ($30 per person) and a potluck meal; the ride starts the next day from Little River.
- A day trip on Saturday, joining the main group at Birdlings Flat for a shorter ride of 20km return (koha requested).
Register your interest by 20th September (see below).
For more information, see the Two lake Healing Facebook page or email Denise at manager@wet.org.nz.