A guided slow group ride around the city from St Albans or New Brighton (your choice of start location) to Ferrymead and Brooklands. 35km and 70km distance options to choose from. Cycleways, quieter streets, and off-road tracks.
Please register in advance via the form below.
You, your bike, bike lock and a water bottle; dress for the weather
Check FB page for postponement
If the ride is to be postponed you will be advised by email the day before.
Rides will have Ride Leader and a Tail End Charlie. You are required to stay within the group and follow any instructions from your Ride Leader . Approx group size will be 10 riders
Make your own safety decision at every step - Do not follow others without checking yourself the way is clear. Pedestrians have priority. Slow down and be prepared to stop if necessary.
The number of groups, which direction and the length of ride will depend on the preferences of those who RSVP.
You will need to be confident riding on shingle, narrow dirt tracks and on road surfaces (sharing with some vehicles). Surfaces vary - quiet roads, estuary or beach track and reserve paths with bollards.
The Pegasus Track from Waimairi Beach to Spencerville has undulations and a rough potentially greasy track in places.
The track from Brooklands to Northwood may be wet and a detour required if heavy rain has fallen.
The estuary tracks may be greasy.
Tracks and roads north (to Brooklands) are more challenging than those south (to Ferrymead). There are short sections of 80kmh roads in both directions.
Please email biketober@gmail.com if you have any queries.
You, your bike, bike lock and a water bottle; dress for the weather
Check FB page for postponement